Monday, September 18, 2006


If you haven't heard of Nintendo's new console, it's called the Wii (pronounced like wee). The innovative thing about it is the control scheme... you can move the controller about in space and the actions will corresponds to actions on the screen.

It's something that is really different than the norm of gaming, and they are aiming to get people from all backgrounds/ages/sexes to play and have fun with it. Hopefully it'll lead to more intuitive game play control and appeal to all sorts of people. Plus it should be a blast as a group activity. I think it's really brave for Nintendo to push the boundaries like this, and I as a consumer wish to reward them (plus i'm a bit of a fanboy).

Therefore, I will be purchasing a Wii system the first day it comes out, November 19th. I'm still undecided which games to get, so maybe you can help me out. I plan to invite a bunch of people to play with me when I get it. So message me for an invite and keep the date clear!

PS Tell me your suggestions for which games I should get...

PPS also, you should also get one, so I don't have to buy so many controllers ($60 a pop). The idea is that you can bring your own remote with files and just plug in to your friend's console and start playing with your personal information (Mii). So let the buying begin!


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