Saturday, March 15, 2003


The Mononucleosis test is POSITIVE.


Right now, it's not too bad, just a sore throat and cough. I'm hoping it doesn't get very serious. I don't want it to get worse to the point where I am stuck in bed all day, because I'm so tired that I can't even get up. So the Doctor has ordered me to stay at home and do nothing for two weeks. There is no medicine I can take for this, just rest and time to wait it out. My question is, how do I do nothing? What is nothing?

Well first of all, no work. Stay at home and do nothing stressful. It feels so weird to just bum around and do nothing. I even have to limit my time on the internet because my parent's think that's a stressful activity. Right.... I'm feeling really antsy though. It feels like I have all this pent up energy in my muscles that wants to be released. But I shouldn't. So I'm just sitting here, doing a little reading, watching a little TV (which I find isn't that exciting of a medium) and surfing.

Now I'm wondering, how the heck did I get this? I have absolutely no idea and people keep on asking me too (perhaps with a suspect tone). Well, just to satisfy your curiosity, I haven't been going around kissing people (except Kitty ;) ). Think about the last last time you saw me kissing someone. Thought so. It can be passed through sharing food and drink too, which I sometimes do, so maybe that's it.

So anyway, here I am with a bunch links to pass on, since I have a lot of time to surf now:

I spent quite a bit of time reading all of this daily comic strip from the very beginning. I don't think most of you will like it, but it's about these people working at a small software company (sorta like me...) called GPF Software. The people in it are very geeky and some of the jokes are quite geeky. But also quite funny. Yes, this is what I do with my time. But it also kinda reminded me of how much I enjoyed reading Calvin and Hobbes as a kid. I used to collect the books that came out, but unfortunately, I didn't quite complete my collection. But I remember rereading the ones I own when I was older and getting more out of the more mature/philosophical jokes. Bill Watterson is a very skilled, intelligent and creative person. He has created a timeless work of art.

The next link is almost the opposite of a work of art. I came across this strange internet interpretation of Romeo & Juliet. You have to be an internet/hacker junkie to get all the jokes though. A real different take on the whole story, but also entertaining. It is also quite obvious a guy made it. If you have any trouble w/ the language, look up the words on a spoof of (which incidently Google uses) called Urban Dictionary. I'm sure Matt Wong is going to like that one.

While on this technology vein, I would like to comment how disapointed I am that North Americans are so behind in technology compared to our Asian/European counterparts. Perhaps not so much in terms of having companies innovate technology (although there's room for improvement), but rather, having our society accept and integrate new technology. In Japan, cell phone usage takes on a whole different meaning. I can't wait until cell phone penetration and usage becomes ubiquitous. Especially text messaging. I use it to send and receive messages not only when I'm mobile, but I also send messages to mobile phones over ICQ. I encourage every single one of my readers to use more mobile technology. Check out this interesting article about Japan's cell phone culture.

One more technology article. This one is about the computer gaming culture in Korea. If you read the article you'll find that Internet Cafes are where people regularly hangout. I don't think that kind of thing is going to happen here, but it's always interesting to see how other young people are growing up. One of the most interesting parts about the article is when they talk about Starcraft tournaments. They televise starcraft games on Korean TV and they are able to draw ratings equivalent to that of Friends here in North America! Such a different culture. Maybe we really are completely white washed over here.

And last, but not least, congrats to Mike. He got an interview with Western's Medical School! Hope it goes well!



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