Monday, March 03, 2003

Anyone annoyed yet?

By the popup? I'll remove it soon...

Last weekend was pretty fun. It was the weekend where people's reading week overlapped. So a bunch of us got together at Tim's house for some Dreamcast fun. And know what is one of the best games ever? POWERSTONE! and POWERSTONE 2!!! Never understood why this game didn't take off, but it is the best fighting game i've ever played. It's not your typical one and not serious as most, but it's a lot of fun. And when I mean it's not serious, I mean that the second one has a chef as one of it's characters and uses a pot to smash things. Anyway, after a few hours more of DCast, including some virtua tennis and basketball, it was time to go Commerce Gate for Carol's Bday.

The weather was really really bad last weekend. Even on teh way there, I was sliding on the roads. On one turn on Vancho, I sort of slid to the side and luckily there were no cars parked there, or I probably would have hit it. Man, even today there was a close call. I was on the highway coming back from work and the car in front of me didn't have their brake lights working, and I find this out as the traffic is going from 120+ km to 0. I stopped with a car length between us, but for a short while I thought I was in some trouble, b/c I was practically braking as hard as I could.

Anyway, we went to Shabu, Shabu, a hot pot place, which was very good. Lot's of variety in the foods and I liked 'em all :) Afterward we went to get some sticker pictures done. We fit 13 ppl in one booth! What an accomplishment!!! Actually not much of an accomplishment, but it was fun. What I considered an accomplishment was gettting Ava in there....I mean fobby photo booth...must be her worst nightmare. But it really did seem like she enjoyed herself, which is always good.

After that, some bubble tea....where Mike was being rowdy as usual. I think we (err I mean Mike) were drawing some strange looks b/c we were so loud. In the end we decided to leave early since there was a huge snowstorm. It was quite the adventure driving home. Took almost two hours. I'm really logging the mileage this term.

And in sharp contrast to last weekend, I just stayed home all of this weekend. I was sick for all of it and still am. I missed out on fri, when a bunch of the High school gang got together at Cary's. Well gotta concentrate on getting better so that I can play some ball this week.

Sleep time,


PS I wonder if I lose viewers b/c of my ad.... (some recent comments: Keith: "damn that ad", Cary: "Stupid Google popup")


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