Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Theme Song

Typically for a couple nights a week I log onto battle.net to chat with my buddies and play DotA. Like I said before, I like the social aspect of it.

We recently had enough people (minimum, 10) to form a clan named "boop". (Stands for boop owns other people, it's recursive, like GNU). So it's been fun having a clan and now we regularly get 6-8 people playing every night. We are often playing games with just friends instead of random people on the internet.

I think even Keith will be starting to play with us! He recently quit WoW and is looking for a new addiction. I told him that this addiction wasn't a good way to pass the time, so he should join us on b.net instead!

Well anyway, I came across this song, and this should be our theme song. The main chorus goes like this:

We're sitting here in Ventrilo, playing some DotA,
We push on and we're owning, with the opponents we're toying,
Running around creeping, the opponents we're sleeping

If you watch the video, it's hilarous, because there's all these music video girls dancing in the video. When I play DotA, there aren't girls dancing around me, wtf!!!

And the funniest part is that supposedly the song is #2 on the Swedish pop charts!


Blogger supastar k3v said...

OMG you're missing out, that's why they play at PacMall, so there are people (girls) dancing behind them (on Dance Dance Revolution machines).

9/26/2006 2:32 PM  
Blogger whoami said...

It's a feature, not a bug! Heh, if you're into nerd/geek rap (or music in general) - check out my friend's site: http://pitunez.einfodaily.com. Sadly there's not equivalent music video for wow....

9/26/2006 9:45 PM  

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