Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Oscar Pick'em Official Results:

Well, Rob, my cousin emailed the people running the site and found out that there were 4 standing ovations. This breaks the tie, and here are the results for the people participating in our pool (there were 576 people who participated on the website):

1. Nelson Hu (1020)
2. Robert Wang (1020)
3. Jeff Wentworth (1005)
4. Vincent Shiao (996)
5. Matt Chan (848)
6. David Clement (776)
7. Kitty Chan (620)
8. grace hu (620)
9. Kevin Quan (551)
10. Keith Mo (510)
11. Mike Lim (465)

Thanks to everyone who participated! I can't believe the final result came down to the tie break question. Rob guess 9, while I guessed 4. Jeff Wentworth very nearly won it completely, but lost it on Best Actor. He put all his points into Bill Murray, while I put half mine in Murray and half into Penn.

We'll all know for next year that splitting your points into all the categories isn't a very good strategy.

PS I'm quite happy that LOTR swept. I didn't expect that to happen, but the movie was quite the cinematic achievement. Congrats to Peter Jackson et al. Can't wait for the DVD.

Next on the list: Lost in Translation.


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