Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Watching TV == Autism?

There has been recent news that they have linked Autism to watching TV for the very young. At first when I read this, I thought it was completely unreasonable, but after reading some media reports about it, it seemed slightly more plausible.

The thing with reading these scientific studies is that when it first comes out and makes a big splash, there's a lot of media coverage about it and then it fades away. Theoretically, others should independently verify your results, but you never really hear about that part of science. Well, this time, the Freakonomics guys take a crack at it.

BTW, that's a good book...I especially liked the part where they refute Malcolm Gladwell's theory (whom I also enjoy reading) about the reduction of crime in NYC (tipping point/reducing small crimes) and propose their own reason - legalization of abortion!.


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