Monday, June 23, 2003

Tim's Tales from the Hammer, Vol #1...

Me again. Don't worry, no more Philadelphia Eagles previews. Nelson threatened to kick me off his blog if I wrote something like that again... Seriously....What a guy. For those of you who really want to get the scoop on the Eagles Defense, well, you'll have to talk to me personally. But then again, maybe it's best not to get me started.

Anyways, i figured i'd let all of you know why i haven't been around this summer and what i've been up to in Steeltown. I got a job with the University coordinating MAC's Welcome Week (aka frosh week, orientation week, etc). It's not a very taxing job; rather, it's pretty laid-back and relaxing -- kind of the perfect summer job in that way, but still with a lot of responsibility. It's not necessarily great experience, but it's the sort of job that a lot of students apply for... I guess being involved in MAC's residence system helped me out there. Plus it pays decently, and i've got my own office, phone and computer, and my boss is only in a few days a week... Sweet!

I've just finished ordering the Welcome Week Packages (Oreintation Packs, etc) which most incoming students buy -- i'm sure you've seen them / bought them (laundry bags, water bottles, res/faculty T-shirts, etc). It doesn't sound too challenging, but when you're ordering a quantity of 3000 +, salespeople will die to get your business. As i soon found out. We tried to concetrate on fewer, better-quality products this year, including Nalgene Bottles, disposable cameras, photo albums.... as opposed to the trashy promo products we traditionally got. I tried not to take it too seriously, but for the salespeople, this was their life. Our Nalgene contract was for over $20 000...!!!! Even the contract for laundry bags had a contract worth around 10 grand. With that kind of money, these are big contracts for little promotional companies .... it would probably make their entire year to get something like this.
So eventually we got the prices we wanted (disposable camera w/ flash was only around $3.50... i thought that was pretty good), but it was pretty ugly shutting some of these companies down.... they kept wanting another chance to revise their quotes and beat everyone else (not to mention try to take advantage of summer students like me!). One career i'll never wanna get into is sales... But it's pretty fun for a summer job.

On a side note, a new bubble tea joint opened up right next to my house, and i hooked them up with a promo coupon in the WW package. Next time i went in there, the guy didn't let me pay... he's giving me free bubble tea!!! I don't have a lot of Chinese friends, and i don't go too frequently. But if anyone ever visits me here, we'll go for bubble tea!
So yeah, that's my summer job... random perks like free bubble tea... and lots of samples. Anyone want a picture frame? Tupperware container? haha

I'll catch you all soon, hopefully.


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