Monday, June 18, 2007


It's the time of the year for Convocations!

I recently attended one at Queen's for my sister's graduation with a Bacheleor of Education. This entry is a bit of a rant, since I'm comparing it to my own crappy Convocation.

First, my convocation was almost 2 years ago (wow, has it been that long already???). Convocations at Waterloo are held in the PAC (Physical Activities Complex). For our year, they graduated everyone in the Engineering Faculty, including grad students, which totalled around 800-900 people. This meant that the whole floor area was filled with graduates and the stands were filled with families. Since there were so many people, they had to restrict guests to two per graduate and made available extra tickets by special request. On the actual day, the PAC was completely packed with people.

This led to the first problem: noise. This was compounded with the fact that I was in the very back row. I had to strain really hard to hear anything and even then it was difficult. The seating area was flat and the platform for the presentations was not raised very high, so we couldn't see very much either. Eventually, we all resorted to talking amongst ourselves and adding to the noise problem. This meant that the speeches were hard to hear and they didn't seem very engaging, but I really couldn't say either way. Because of the large number of graduates, the ceremony lasted a long time. So long in fact, that graduates were leaving mid ceremony to exit the premises. They also happened to present the Masters and Ph.D students last, and by then, the auditorium was half empty.

In contrast, Queen's graduation ceremony was held in an old hockey arena. Not as large as the PAC, but it felt much more intimate and inviting. They were also graduating similar numbers of people, but I suspect a lot of them didn't show up. Their acoustics was much better and this meant that I could actually hear the speeches. The speeches also happened to be pretty entertaining and inspiring. One of the honourary degrees was given to a chinese imigrant who reports/photographs for a Kingston newspaper and he talked about his interesting life. Then Masters/Ph.D graduates graduated first, followed by the undergrads. When the undergraduates were recieving their degrees, it got a little more rowdy, but not to an unacceptable level. It was a little boring when they were going through all the graduates, but luckily I had brought my time machine (as Victor likes to call it) along with me. No one left the building until it was all done. It felt like a relatively short and efficient ceremony. There was a reception with lot's of (free) food afterwards. Bonus!

Overall, the quality of the ceremony was obviously better than Waterloo's, which my parents and my sister agreed to as well. From what I hear, they've improved the graduating cermemony since my graduation (they even had Malcolm Gladwell speak at the Waterloo Arts Convocation), but I still think the level of professionalism and quality is much higher at Queens. Oh well, maybe the moral of the story is that I needed a time machine for my own ceremony.

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Blogger Cary said...

You know you're getting old when your little sister is graduating from university and will soon be whipping young students back into line.

My sister turned 20 this year. Now I feel very old!

6/19/2007 12:03 AM  
Blogger supastar k3v said...

Yeah we had some whoop whoop raise the roof too. Silly undergrads

No one left, or you didn't notice anyone leave while you were playing haha

6/19/2007 7:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

At last year's convocation they split engineering into morning and afternoon convocation. So we didn't have to sit through as many students graduating (comp, elec, sw, sys), and the gym wasn't so packed. But now I understand just how far back you must've been sitting.

6/20/2007 8:38 AM  
Blogger Nelson said...

Yeah, this year, they split it too, with only the ECE and SYSDE departments graduating together. I don't know if the rest were one session as well or if there were further split into two.

6/20/2007 9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ugh, convocation... but yeah, is there anything it cannot do? talking about time machine, i was playing the first zelda on it the other day - damn so old ><


6/26/2007 2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, show this to ppl who're unsure about DS

That should do the trick ;)


6/27/2007 1:46 AM  

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