Monday, June 11, 2007

Resuming Regularly Scheduled Programming

My computer is alive!

I'm ecstatic. I went out to Canada Computers Waterloo today and picked up the Sonata III. I was leaning toward the NSK6500, but they didn't have them in stock today. I was lucky to get Canada Computer's last Sonata III, because it just came out and it's been selling briskly.

After putting it together, it was a great relief to find out that it seems the only thing wrong with my previous computer was the power supply. That means I don't need to upgrade....yet. There is no big incentive for me to upgrade just yet (waiting for starcraft 2), so I'll wait at least until AMD gets more employee stock.

The reason I didn't really want the Sonata was because of the front door. They made it much stronger than previous versions, but the door itself is kinda useless and just gets in the way. I wonder how long it'll last before it breaks. The good part about it is the eSATA port on the front. It's also a little pricey for this sort of budget case. The NSK6500 is cheaper because it's been out for a longer time and the power supply is 430 W instead of the Sonata's 500 W.

Anyway, it's good to have a computer again. I feel complete again.



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