Wednesday, July 24, 2002

So i was blogging on monday, and I was merrily typing away in my Internet Explorer window when suddenly it crashes for no good reason. I know it's my fault too, because I was dumb enough to type in IE instead of notepad, but still, that pissed me off plently. Anyway, here's my rewritten blog entry:

So my master plan of waking up on fri and feeling all better failed miserably. I wonder if any of you could see the flaw in my plan.... I was still feeling pretty miserable, but plan are plans. I must apologize to Matt and Richard for getting them sick and I hope Carol and Di don't get sick either. (it's impossible for Whanger to get sick, so I don't have to worry about him).

So being sick also meant no drinking for me on fri night. We had a quick dinner at East Side's before heading over to FED. We first went to SLC so that Dee could collect her Hip Hop dancers before heading over. It was kinda cool watching her direct about 20-30 people (moving in unison, too!). Her performance went well, and it was obvious how good a dancer Dee is herself!

On the whole, Summerfest on fri was actually kinda dry. There were very few people, the 70's funk band wasn't that good in a club setting, i stayed dry and Matt wasn't entertaining us by hitting on the women...haha j/k. But there was one cool thing that the organizers had setup that night - Labatt Blue had set up a glowing blue portable stage/bar. That was alright. Anyway, we left at around one (which should have been the peak time, but it was actually getting worse) and went for some bubble tea. Unfortunately, when we got there, it was already closing, so we couldn't stay long. Also,
gotta thank Dee for letting us sleep over and disrupting her weekend, Thanks!

The frosh leader conference the next day wasn't that great either. First of all, it started way too early in morning (at around 9:30). But they did have a good guest speaker that came in and talked about things like your inner recess spirit. The rest of the day was filled with activities and presentations, which actually weren't that exciting. I couldn't believe it, but Cynthia skipped out almost the whole day! She left practically after paying her fee for the day! Anyway, I was there till the end, hanging out with likes of Richard, Huy, John Huang and Barry Ip.

Afterwards, we caught up with Dee, Carol and Matt at Chapters for more chilling. I think that was what we did the whole weekend...chill and take random digital pictures. And somehow, Dee got around to petting my head, when she made the comment that it felt like, first, a thing, then an animal, then a camel and lastly a horse. And now I really don't know where I'm going with this story. I guess it just shows how laid back this weekend was.

Summerfest on sat was much more fun, although it was only Dan and Rick with me. We did convince Rick to let the girls do his hair, which actually looked pretty good! (BTW, like Dan always says after making that comment, which I agree with - "I'm not gay") (not that there's anything wrong with it, of course). Anway FED Hall was absolutely packed. Dan told me to forget about my sickness (you know, "mind over matter") and surprisingly I did forget about it and got around to knock back a few drinks. I knew a lot more people there and in general, it was much more fun than fri night. Jeff Wentworth was there too, and it was cool to talk to him about his 12 month coop placement in Japan! Yup, he's going to work for Epson in Japan for 12 months! Sounds like a really cool experience, working abroad, which is something I'm interested in doing too!

Anyway, thanks to Cynthia for letting us stay over at her super nice place. Her place has bay windows AND A/C!!! But it's kinda far, it took us 40 mins to walk back, with a quick break on a friendly bus bench.

I had to rush back to my softball game on sun afternoon and when I woke up that morning I realized that I was still kinda sick. And on a related note, I played a horrible game! It was against John Huang's (my former roomate) team and Rob and I really wanted to win. We did end up winning, but by only one run! It was a low point in my softball career though.... I actually struck out! I got two bad pitches and I fouled off the third pitch, which means I'm out! I couldn't believe it!!! I made a few fielding errors too... just wasn't a good day to play softball. I went home to get some much needed rest, but I couldn't fall asleep, so I ended up talking on the phone till really late.

One more thank you: to Matt for driving everyone home so I could make my game. I still have a nagging cough, which is really annoying and I really hope everyone else doesn't get too sick! sorry bout that guys!

- Nelson


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