Thursday, July 18, 2002

Hey kids,

I have been sick at home for the last few days, so i haven't felt like blogging (or doing anything at all for that matter) recently. I did say I was going to talk a bit about Minority Report, and I will, along with all the other happenings of my weekend. So here it is Matt style:

Got home a little early from work on fri and decided to do some chores!!! I had really been neglecting some chores around the home recently so I decided to go wash the car. The accord was pretty dirty, especially after coming back from the camping trip, and me cleaning it was part of the deal that allowed me to take it up in the first place. So here comes some elbow grease. Actually, it was a really nice sunny day and I really enjoyed spending the time outside washing and then waxing the car. I never realized how much joy one can have doing a chore.

Cynthia was up from Waterloo for the weekend, so Rick, Whanger, Cynthia and I decided to go out and catch a movie. I really wanted to see Minority Report, and just this weekend, passes were allowed, so that was the movie we decided on. First, it was off to Jack Astor's, where I had a dinner consisting of exclusively nachos (my family was down visiting Queens that day, so there was no food at home :( ). Then it was onto the movie. I must say, I haven't been this entertained and satisfied with a movie for a long time. It got 93% on rotten tomatoes which is actually quite high. The only critique, is that the end sequence is a little long, because of the multiple climaxes. But on the positive side, the computer that Tom Cruise was using was really cool. Maybe I should look into inventing one like that in the future or something, but definitely something to shoot for in the future. Anyway, go see the movie, I don't want to hype it up anymore, or it'll ruin it. We ended the day with a run to Krispy Kreme. Wow, what healthy meal choices on fri, nachos and krispy kreme donuts!

Did some more chores around the house, things like vacuuming and laundry. How boring... but i did watch this program on TV where they were trying out sky diving.... it actually looked pretty fun! Someone mentioned doing something like that next year...count me in! Anyway, hung out at my friend, Vincent's house for the rest of the day and helped him fix up his comp. He made a comment on how I don't know how to say no to people, but more on that later.

Missed working out with Matt for the third week in a row....tsssssss.... hear that? That's the sound of my muscles deflating. I should really do some more exercise at home or go over to Matt's house more, cause I'm not joking about that deflating bit!

Anyway, once again hung out with Cynthia and Dan, but this time at the driving range. We gave a quick lesson to Cynthia, and her golf swing actually looks pretty good, for a newbie. Anyway, we finally (we had been trying many, many times) saw Gilmour there (at Centennial) and we got hooked up with free balls! We chatted for a while and it was really nice to see a friend from high school again. Anyway, I think I'm ready to head out to a real course soon, so hopefully I'll get a chance to get out on the greens in the near future. Anyway, after baking in the sun for a few hours we had the splendid idea of coming back to my place for some BBQ steak!!! This time we bought the right kind of steaks (Sirloin Grilling Steak), we seasoned it just right and i managed to undercook them a little... which equals Steak Perfection! It was a very, very good meal. And this time, we bought the seafood and pasta salads. Sorry Rick, no Bangkok salad, I know it's your favourite and all, but we're just not Bangkok salad type of people. Haha. Rick did show up a little later and scarfed down some salad a steak or two though.

After steak was my Softball team outing. Another fun fact: Keith Mo also knows my softball captain Iris (and of course Iris' older sister, Ruth, hehe). The outing consisted mostly of bowling and bubble tea. Throughout the evening we compared driver license photos, which provided plenty of laughs (thankfully my renewal is coming up really soon), found out about Iris' impossibily small hands, got some DDR in and had a massive game of spoons that never seemed to end. All in all, a very fun laughter-filled evening.

So that was my weekend. Vince mentioned how I don't know how to say no to going out and doing stuff. I think he may be right, because I think I became sick from chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. Plus when you haven't had a meal with your family for over a week (not including tues nights, which is always occupied with my distance education course, Nuclear Science) maybe it's a sign that I should take it a little easier...but on the other hand, it is my last summer in Toronto for at least two years..... decisions, decisions....



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