Friday, July 19, 2002

Yesterday, my MCAT class was pretty funny. I haven't told you guys much about my classes or about my instructors. Well, the Physics instructor has got to be the coolest out of my three instructors. How do I describe him? Hmmm, put together a gangsta with a straight A student. Example, last night we were taking up problems, and one guy asks "How do you know that the car is half the mass of the truck?". The physics instructor responds "Cuz it says in the question. To approach these kind of problems RTFQ". HAhaha, funny cuz he said it so matter of fact. He uses funny examples to illustrate physics concepts too. When were going over buoyancy, he goes "now you know why it's hard to drown someone because they have a buoyant force pushing them up. Plus they are also struggling which makes it hard to hold them down". Once again, said in a matter of fact tone.

Well, all those going to Summerfest, have a BLAST! I'll be waiting expectantly to read those blogs!



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