Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Timmy Ho is back! Matt, Cary and I picked him up from the airport on mon. The events of that trip was catalogued nicely by Matt. I just want to say that I don't normally "forget" about people, it's just that sometimes I get distracted (by things like ribfest...sorry keith!) or whatever happens. And also, yes I was speeding quite a bit too. I think the movie "The Fast and the Furious" must have had some sort of effect on me. I think I thoroughly scared cary and matt when I took a curve a little fast and my tires started squealing, but most importantly, I didn't lose control (and I made it on time). And of course it was wonderful to see Tim again. He looked really tanned and skinnier. He said he had lost 10 pounds! But he also said he was really fit, probably some of that lean jungle muscle. I can't wait to hear about the rest of his trip. Sounds like a very interesting thing to do, something that I may even consider doing sometime in the future (resources and time willing). Anyway, overall it was a very typical guy outing, which means it was full of fun and adventure. Which reminds me, there was a really funny thing on the internet that reminded me very much of my own driving. Can you guess which driver I am?

In cell phone news, I read a very interesting article about how wireless technology is changing the way people interact (from good 'ol slashdot). Give it a read, and you'll see why I need a phone so badly. This is how I like to live my life. I especially like the last line....haha.

Heard something interesting on the radio too. A study has shown that if you have a positive outlook in life, then you live, on average, 7.5 years longer than people that have a negative outlook. 7.5 years!!! And in my opinion, not only do you live longer, but I'm betting that your quality of life is probably better too. What I really wonder, is whether people can change from one to another. For most people, their outlook on life is set at a fairly young age and usually it's set for life. But I think it may be possible to change if one really wills/wants themself to. That's another thing I also really believe in - being flexible and adaptable. IMO, there is no other way to survive.

Gotta believe in the power of the mind, cause it's an amazing and powerful thing.

-- Nelson


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