Wednesday, August 14, 2002

I stayed at home yesterday and watched the The Godfather. After watching it again, it still remains one of my favourite movies of all time. My sister says the mark of a good present is that it's something that the person recieving the present wants and likes, but wouldn't buy themselves. So true in this case. Thanks for the present!

Something quite bad health related happened to me today. I was walking around the home in the morning today and suddenly my back seized up. I was on the ground in pain. I was able to get up and go to work though, and it got a little better, but in the afternoon it got worse. It was painful just moving or even sitting. I really hope I don't get back problems, because that'd be horrible! I went home early to lie down and rest, so for now, it's better. I want to keep an eye on it though, because I can't bear the thought of giving up an active lifestyle.

Today my friend Vince came over for a bit. We had been going back and forth over a $500 bet. We finally hashed out the terms tonight. Vince thinks that he won't have a high salary once he gets his degree from IVEY. I think he will; so much so, that he will make a lot more than myself. I've always believed that engineers have a relatively high starting salary, but their maximum salary is not very high. A salary ceiling, if you will. I believe that right when Vince gets out, he won't necessarily be making that much, but very quickly it will increase greatly. So today we were able to quantify the bet. We are going to find the average salary per hour over a 6 year period after we graduate and compare. The one making more is the loser (of the bet that is). It's an interesting bet and I'm very interested to see how it'll turn out. I'm almost certain I'll win, but then again, so is he, which makes for the best kind of betting - the high stakes type. :)

-- Nelson


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