Monday, August 12, 2002

What a relief. I'm done my exam. It went ok, didn't ace it, but I definitely passed it. That's almost as good as it gets these days for exams. At least I didn't come out of there swearing and mad as hell. More studying probably would have gotten me a higher mark, but this course doesn't even count in my average, so it's not too important. Now that that's out of the way, I have job hunting, resume writing and work report writing to look forward to. yay.

Some good news is that I have internet at work now! Which means it may be easier to do some blogging and keep it more consistent. Now I just have to wait for my new computer, which I bet will arrive on my last day here, just like last work term. My current video card only supports 16 colors, which probably means I'll get more work done. But I have to make up for Mike for at least this week, since he's studying really hard on his MCATs. And yes, this is my quadruple blog entry. I don't know how certain people can take that simple statement and warp it into something else...

After my exam it was lunch with my dad, who had drove me downtown so he go stop by the office. And right after that was back home to sleep. I'm always so tired after exams, because it's such a mental workout. That night was Jeff's going away party in Waterloo. As an extra bonus, Richard drove, so that I didn't have to. For this whole summer I had been driving everywhere, almost all the time! It was getting quite expensive too! So I'm thankful that Rick drove. Thanks Rick. Rick also brought his GPS/labtop device, which was cool. I could track our position as we were driving, although at certain times, the device said that we were off the road. But the technology was still quite impressive.

So Monty, Richard and I first went over to pick up Whanger and then we headed over to Jeff's kegger/BBQ. It was nice to see a bunch of people that I hadn't seen for a while. It was pretty funny though......I went there and geeked it up pretty good. Jeff and I spent a quite a while with our PDAs beaming each other contacts and applications. I'll see Jeff again during frosh week and then it'll be a year before I see him again! He took out a site,, to keep everyone updated on his experience. I'll definitely be reading that once it gets going. Since we stayed dry, we drove back that same night.

Sun was my very small birthday party. Spent most of the day cleaning up and preparing for it. But I did have a softball game I had to go to first. Once again I played very poorly.... I can't hit! But I was most disappointed with the outcome. We lost...but if i had hit a homerun or triple in my last at bat, we would have won the game. Instead I grounded it to third and a baserunner was forced out at the same base for the second out. So disappointed in myself... Oh well, it only really counts in the tournament, which is only two weeks away!

My party was actually a lot of fun. Somehow the guys and the girls got segregated. So the guys were outside BBQing and eating, while the girls remained in the air conditioning. Keith was at my party too, and whenever Keith is around, somehow the conversation takes a turn downward. Which also means there's some serious laughter. So much toilet humour, but all so funny. Tim said it's worse than he remembered before he left for Costa Rica. I agree, because since he was away, they've been practicing on me! I think I have overtaken Keith for the lead, and for those of you that don't know, that's probably not a good thing. But still, it's pure jokes and I don't get to laugh like that enough.

A big thank-you for all the gifts, which were all very thoughtful and things I wanted. And thanks to the people that came out.

I want to mix it up a bit next year, so I'll try to think of something new next year.

Till then.


PS Happy birthday to me. Looking forward to tonight :)


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