Thursday, August 08, 2002

I've been kinda busy recently, studying for my distance ed course. For those that don't know, I'm taking a correspondence course, Nuclear Science, so that I can complete my engineering requirements for List A (Impact Courses). I really didn't like any of the courses on that list, but Nuclear Science seemed the least boring out of all of them, so that's the one I picked.

It's sort of a drag though. For every tuesday night throughout the whole summer I'm stuck at home listening to the lectures (in RealPlayer) and then doing the internet quiz right after. This can go pretty late too, since I always leave it till the last moment (tues night) to finish (we're talking 3AM some nights...). The course itself is moderately interesting...The course is basically an arts/science course, which feels so different from what I'm used to. It's not very technical or math intensive and it focuses more on a very general overview of the material. This is good and bad: good because it's very easy & not intensive and bad because it seems like such fluff.

It's almost over though, my exam is this sat and unfortunately, I just started studying for the final. Going to play soccer with Monty yeseterday wasn't such a great idea, because I became so tired that I didn't get any studying afterwards. Oh well, at least it was fun. I got to watch Tim and his crazy Costa Rican soccer skills. My fine cherry picking skills translated into 3 goals :)

back to studying....

-- Nelson


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