Saturday, October 19, 2002

I can't sleep...

It's 3AM on a fri night and I'm fully awake, when I should be sound asleep. On thurs night, i went to sleep at a record early time, around 1 AM and got up out of bed at 10 AM. That's 9 solid hours of sleep. After coming back from school I took a short nap, so I guess I've overslept today. Strange how that can happen, especially when I have midterms hanging over my head. Maybe I'm in denial or something. But the reality is I have 4 midterms in five days next week, and i just started some of my courses this week! aiyah!!!

Anyway, Richard and I met up and went to the library for a tiny bit today. We didn't get that much work done, because we spent almost the whole time laughing at ourselves (at how pathetic we are) and discussing how screwed we are. A typical conversation that Richard and I seem to have quite often:

"Yo guy, I'm screwed."
"No, you don't understand, I'm more screwed than you are."
"What are you talking about? I'm more screwed! Where are you in [insert any course here]?"
"I'm on page 1, you know the one that starts off, Welcome to the wonderful world of....."
"Oh yeah? I'm on page 0....I haven't even opened the textbook yet!!!"
Both: "And the midterm is tomorrow, we're screwed!!!!"

And then we start the same conversation again. Not very productive, but in a strange way it's comforting. I guess you can say that richard is my procrastination buddy. And trust me, you're in trouble when you have something like a procrastination buddy. So anyway, on a totally unrelated topic, Richard and I both decided to go meet Diana for lunch on fri.

A whole bunch of us met at the Sushi place beside Mel's. Diana, Chris, Ada, Cynthia, Cary, Rich and I enjoyed a relatively cheap sushi lunch. That place is good for sushi at a reasonable price (for sushi at least...). Lunch was enjoyable...did you know that Diana puts hot sauce on her sushi??? Man, that practically ruins it!!! Too much sauce can totally take over the natural flavour and therefore defeat the purpose. Might as well eat the sauce by itself. All you saucy people overdo it sometimes....

Anyway, I should be studying and not blogging...and unfortunately, I'm still not feeling tired yet.



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