Friday, September 27, 2002


Yeah yeah, I know it's been way long since my last update. But I'm back and hopefully I'll be doing my updates more frequently.

Moving in was great. A lot less stress compared to last year. Internet was already setup, the phone line was hooked up, everything was ready to go! I remember last year I had to stress about getting the internet working, and getting the phone line from Bell, on top of that paying all the bills. It's going to be pretty nice now just not having to worry about all these things.

I'm living with my roommate Austin (Powers) Hwang. He's a really cool person and we're getting along really well. He's got this crazy movie collection (500 plus) and it grows 2 to 3 movies every few days. His girlfriend is over often, which is cool because she a great cook (I'm learning how to cook from her and Austin). I hope she comes over often, not only because of the good meals, but also because she's another really cool person.

I played softball last weekend and it was a ton of fun. I never realized how much I missed out not playing baseball/ softball. I got another game this Sunday so it should be another fun outing.

This weekend I'm going to a retreat with ACF (Asian Christian Fellowship). I'll be leading bible study with my partner Rob. The bible study is about David and looks to be a really good one from the prestudy. I hope everything goes well.

Well, I'm hungry now so it's time to go to UCC and eat. Later folks!



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