Friday, August 30, 2002

Last day at work.

I'm not one for sentimental moments or any of that mushy stuff, but I do feel kinda sad I have to leave. Life goes on. There will be another student to replace me, and when he or she leaves, another student to fill those shoes. The circle of life I suppose to borrow a phrase from the Lion King.

Basically all my work here is done. The Data Collection Tools been made. It's undergoing a second round of testings which I hope the results will be promising. Clinical trials to begin soon afterwards. Kinda sucks that I won't be around to do the trials, cause that was one of the things I was looking forward too when I took the job. The "Executive Washroom" is basically complete. I ordered the two way mirror and it's being delivered in a few weeks. I hope the next student who sits at my desk will appreciate all the work I put in to get the project ready for the trials. Probably not, but anyways it has been fun here when I think about it.

Yesterday, I finished my work early so I worked in the back shop area and made myself a pencil holder. Not too shabby for my two hour shop project. Ask me about it and I'll show it to you sometime.

I've been blessed this summer. Despite my grumblings about having to write the MCAT and feelings that I wasted an entire summer, I do have positives that I must be thankful for. My job has been a major blessing. I've had the chance to expand my skills in the area of research, engineering, and hands on technical stuff in the workshop. I've made important scholarly contacts with professors and doctors while working here. I'm able to pay for all of my tuition on my own. Working hours have been flexible enough for me to study for the MCATs and to take courses. This summer, I've been able to keep in touch with my friends and we've all had a great time sharing in each other's company.

Yes, I would say this summer was great when I think about it. God's been really working in my life even though I couldn't see it. I remember back in March when Jo and I were freaked out about finding jobs and housing for the upcoming school year. Well take a look at the results of God's care. Well about the job, I've been blessed to have worked the entire summer at a job that has expanded my knowledge and skills. Regarding housing, I've got a really good place to stay next year that is cheap, close to school, close to stores and shopping centres, and a cool roommate.

In every instance and every matter that counts, God has provided. I just haven't been able to see all that He's done for me being caught up with the future and things that I can't control. I'm still learning to trust fully in God. I can always look to the past goodness God has shown me to remind myself.

Yes, I am thankful that my future is being looked after.



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