Saturday, November 30, 2002

Picked up the latest SLAM issue and it has Kobe gracing the cover. The article on Kobe was pretty enlightening, giving insight into the life of number 8. Interesting point was brought up about all the haters of Kobe, saying he's too cocky, how he can't win it all by himself....etc etc. His response was, yeah, he know's he can't win it all by himself, he needs the big fella, but that is besides the point. The main point is that they both can work together and accomplish their goals of winning and being champions. Comparisons of him to T-Mac also irked him. Yeah T-Mac is a great individual player, but Kobe could've been one too. Years back, when Kobe had the chance to sigh elsewhere or stay in LA, he chose to stay with LA and win rather than going to a weaker team and being "Da Man". He brought up the fact that if T-Mac stayed in TO, the Lakers would be facing the Raptors in the finals the past 2 years! Anyway, Kobe made a choice with his career and he chose winning. He's happy with his life. End of case.


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