Sunday, November 10, 2002

Well I'm happy to see that my blogging partner is alive and kicking. Life has it's up and downs and you can't avoid them. But you'll always have your friends :)

So i haven't blogged in a long i have some stories to tell from way back...

As you may have noticed, hallowe'en passed by a while back. It's especially apparant when kids start ringing your doorbell and showing up dressed up in costumes. Since we didn't feel like answering the door, we closed our lights. But our kitchen faces out the front and when you're in the kitchen, you have to turn on the light, which can be seen from the outside. So this one time, Aaron and I were down in the kitchen and some kids rang the doorbell. He decided to open the door even though i told him not too. So he opens the door and he makes them wait while i to go scrounge around for some candy to give. Punk teenager kids too. Anyway, after that we left the kitchen and shut off all the lights. So a bit later in the night, we hear this incessant ringing of the just wouldn't stop! We all commented on it, and I personally was thinking how annoying those punks were. We didn't answer the door. So i didn't think anything of it for a while...

Until class next day. It turns out that the person ringing the doorbell was Richard! He wasn't very happy that we didn't answer the door for him. And then when i told him, he should have called on his cell phone (which of course he doesn't have....yet) he got a little more annoyed. Anyway, he was in the area (at Huy's place) and wanted to drop off my Frosh training certificate, which he very nicely brought to class the next day. Thanks.

And later that night I went over to Kitty's because her house was having a party of sorts. Ah drinking games and food. Although they did run out of alcohol, but it was still quite fun.

The following morning (w/o a hangover, which I don't think i've ever had before, because i always drink water before going to bed) i headed off to TO for my sister's commencement! I was able to sit through the whole thing, and not get bored out of my mind. Good seeing some of the teachers again and i saw Monty there. His sister Jeanie was Valedictorian for her year. Her speech was pretty good, very well delivered and i think she was crying by the end. But I still think Matt's was better. More entertainment value :) I also noticed very few Waterloo engineers. Boo. Lot's of people at Queens though, at least it seemed that way.

That's it for now...


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