Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year

Year of the Golden Boar this year, and from what I've hear, the "golden" part of it only comes around once in 600 odd years.

I work indirectly with some people in China, and over there they get the whole week off. Actually they are suppose to work on Saturday and then they get Sunday to Saturday off. That's a long time of consecutive days off!

At work, I also happen to get Monday off for "Heritage Day". Not sure why we get it off, perhaps a relic from the past, but I'm not complaining. It also happens to be President's day in the US, so maybe that's part of the reason. It just so happens to fall on the same weekend as Chinese New Year, so maybe Heritage day is appropriate for me this year.

On a different topic, my post about sharing passwords generated a lot of comments.

Here are some highlights:

"I think being "family" has more to do with it than how many years you have been together"

"there's the whole "persona" thing, if I give you my password, then my persona is not necessary consistent."

"I don't see what the big deal is, meddling and trust are related no? You have to trust them not to meddle and change your settings too."

"I want to limit my liability by not having access to their private account."

"real trust means that you trust your partner to act responsibly as her own person; one must learn to accept that."

"the strongest and best relationships and marriages are ones that respect the rights and autonomy of both members equally."

"All in all, it's not a trust thing, but a guy (geek) thing."

When I first wrote the entry, I had no idea that it would divide so strongly along gender lines. Maybe it's a matter of commenting bias, that is males who identify with my position feel strong enough to comment and males who don't agree rather not comment and similarly with females. In the end, I think it was a matter of trust imbalance that caused conflict. I don't have access to her Xanga account anymore and hopefully that will be the end of the story. Although, please feel welcome to continue commenting.

Even though I got twice as many hits blogging about relationships, I can now go back to blogging about the Wii (do I hear groans?). I try to diversify my blogging topics, but usually I just blog what most easily comes to mind and, unfortunately, recently it's been the Wii. Anyway, Happy New Year!

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Blogger Cary said...

Madden is awesome. And Tim, you are my boy. Thanks for having us over Nels, it was hilarious.

2/18/2007 11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo! Tried the Wii for the first time a couple of weekends ago at my buddies' house here in Japan. He's got a 60" flat screen (stop to imagine just how big this TV is) in a room where it quite literally fills almost the entire wall and the sofa, which is against the back wall, is maybe 2.5-3 metres from the screen. Craziness! Half the time was spent communally making Miis for everyone, and then we played Wii Sports and Wario-something-something (lots of mini games in one). Awesome! I'm sorely tempted to get one...they're fairly readily available here. The PS3 is even more readily available. So expensive...


2/20/2007 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you need to get a PS3 to help out sony...


2/22/2007 4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/22/2007 4:21 PM  

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