Sunday, August 12, 2007


First of all, thanks to those that were able to make it my Birthday BBQ. I really appreciate it. Also, thanks for bringing food, alchohol and gift, even though gifts were not necessary. I especially like the message on the cake :)

My mom was out of town and usually she helps with the food when I host people at my place. I had a bit of trouble handling the prep work and ended up burning some of the meat :( Next time I'll start prepping earlier. This weekend I went to a Wii party on friday night and then only started prepping at noon on saturday. Oh well, lesson learned.

Drinking games were fun, but unfortunately, we didn't carpool very well and most people drove. We still finished about 40 drinks + 1 bottle of wine. They didn't get me too badly, but I was a bit hungover the next day. I played like shit in my softball game. I made multiple errors and hit two pop ups. My last at bat was especially crappy, because we ended up lossing by one and I represented the winning run. It was totally my bad. So yeah, I'm blaming the drinking on my poor play :)

Thanks for all the Happy Birthday wishes!

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Blogger chengycheng said...

Hey it's ok man. We only played top of 7th, they probably would have scored more if we played the bottom.
So it's not really by 1 :P

8/14/2007 9:44 AM  

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