Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Yet Another Link Update

I did a small update to my links on the right again.

First, I created a new folder for just PhotoBlogs. This makes it neater and less confusing because they are sometimes named strangely.

I promoted The Dilbert Blog. It's a written blog by the author, and not the actual comic, which I also already link to. He's a pretty funny guy.

Next is Mark Cuban's Blog, owner of the Dallas Mavericks and dotcom millionaire. I've been reading it for a long time, but unfortunately, he posts less frequently about basketball. He's a big supporter of copyright and DRM, so it's interesting to hear what he has to say. He's a smart guy.

Penny Arcade, the seminal web comic, which happens to be about gaming is worth a daily read. The guys are funny and usually have something interesting to say about recent news.

I demoted Dictionary.com's word of the day, because Wordsmith.org has a better editor. I also got rid of Steve Kerr, one of my favourite Basketball writers because he went and joined the Suns as their GM. I actually don't like that move because it deprives me of his writing and broadcasting. I also demoted Slate's Human Nature feed because I don't read it consistently, although it's decent.

Marginal Revolution is on the verge of being added to my regular rotation and Paul Graham is on the verge of being demoted due to lack of content.

Anyway, let me know if you come across any interesting photoblogs, and I'll add them to my rotation!

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